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  • ECFE Infant Tummy Time & Massage

    One Day Event: INFANT MASSAGE & PURPOSEFUL PLAY - For infants birth to 6-8 months or pre-crawling. Kara Quist, Pediatric Physical Therapist and Certified Infant Massage Instructor (Therapist for 20+ years & breastfeeding counselor) Benefits of Infant massage and play: *tummy comfort- reflux, gas, and constipation * body awareness *relief of congestion *visual development/ midline skills *sensory system organization *relaxation for baby and parent * reduce the risk of head shape issues * midline head posture for visual development * infant development ideas for play and interaction. Class Registration Required - Register infants and add up to 2 adults to attend with infants - For infants birth to 6-8 months or pre-crawling. ********Sibling Care EMAIL REQUEST REQUIRED - Send email to or call (952) 988-5000