Welcome to Hopkins Community Education Adult Programs! Choose from both online and in-person classes. Join us!
For enrollment questions contact Preschool@HopkinsSchools.org or 952-988-5000. For billing questions contact Liz Reynolds at liz.reynolds@hopkinsschools.org or 952-988-5000
Click Learn More to learn more about Hop-Kids and preschool class options!
For enrollment questions contact Preschool@HopkinsSchools.org or 952-988-5000. For billing questions contact Liz Reynolds at liz.reynolds@hopkinsschools.org or 952-988-5000.
For questions contact Preschool@HopkinsSchools.org or 952-988-5000.
School Age Child Care Services
Click Learn More to discover the many youth options Hopkins Community Education offers!
Information regarding before and after school programs for middle school students.
Click to see Camp Royal classes and other youth summer classes!
Being organized is a learned skill and it never too late. Whether our life is simple or complex, we are always coordinating many parts In this workshop, learn basics to assess and develop workable ways to organize any aspect of your life. Tips and resources, discussion with Q&A.
I went from being a homemaker, to a Pre-School Teacher Assistant, to being in the corporate world for many years, to becoming an entrepreneur having my own small business, Gifts of Love Shoppe. I learned a lot from working in an environment filled with many demands, expectations, and deadlines. Working with people with various styles requires a flexibility to succeed. Along with that I have been a volunteer in multiple organizations, taking the administrative/director role, where meetings, agendas, organizational skills were required and developed. I do individual consultations for wholistic image, personal organization, small business administration organization, aging gracefully, student study skills organization, and autobiography writing guidelines. Is it time for you to treat yourself to some organizing assistance in your business or personal areas to make your life work better?
Consultations by appointment only at Gifts of Love Shoppe, 225 Monroe Ave. N., Hopkins, MN 55343.
Illona Iris