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For enrollment questions contact Preschool@HopkinsSchools.org or 952-988-5000. For billing questions contact Liz Reynolds at liz.reynolds@hopkinsschools.org or 952-988-5000
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For enrollment questions contact Preschool@HopkinsSchools.org or 952-988-5000. For billing questions contact Liz Reynolds at liz.reynolds@hopkinsschools.org or 952-988-5000.
For questions contact Preschool@HopkinsSchools.org or 952-988-5000.
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Do you enjoy a little friendly competition? Weather you call it Cornhole or Bean Bags come out and beat the cold by participating in first outdoor league.
This league will compete for 5 weeks, 4 regular season and 1 playoff games. Each team is responsible for bringing their own set of bags. None will be provided on-site. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.
Let's have some fun!!
Rosters & Eligibility
1. Eligibility: Teams may be composed of men, women or a combination of both. There are no special co-rec rules. All participants must be at least 18 years-of-age as of the start of the season.
2. Roster: The roster process must be completed prior to the start of your first game. Players must be on the roster prior to playing in their first game. Players may be added to your league roster at any point in the regular season. Instructions on how to compete this process will be sent to league managers before the league begins.
League Format
1. Match length: A match will consist of three games to 21 regardless of if one team wins or loses all three. If there are time constraints during the third game, teams will play to 11.
2. Time limit: There will be a 45-minute time limit per match. If teams are in the middle of a game when the 45 minutes time limit expires, teams shall finish the round and the score will become official. Any games not started within that time will be considered a tie. Points earned: Win=2 points, Tie=1 point, Loss= 0 points. This is per game. So, the total points that one team could accumulate in one match is 6 pts.
3. Reporting scores: The winning team should report scores immediately to the on-site supervisor
1. Two players per team (doubles). Team partners face each other from opposite boards.
2. Distance measured between Foot Foul Edges: 24 feet
3. Teams shall flip a coin or play paper-rock-scissors to determine who starts the game
4. Opponents alternate tosses until all eight bags are thrown
5. The round is then scored (See Scoring)
6. The last team to score on previous round tosses first
7. Toss again if any interference occurs
8. Opponents may call Foot Foul and the call must be honored
9. The losing team has choice of sides for next game
1. A game is won by the first team to score 21 points or more, a score of 11-0 (SKUNK), or in the case of the match time limit expiring, whichever team is ahead, regardless of score. Games can end in a tie.
2. Three points for each bag in the hole.
3. One point for each bag on the board.
4. Score is the difference in the team totals. For example, after 1 round of 8 bags is played: Team #1 has 1 bag in the hole and 2 bags on the board. 3+2=5 points Team #2 has 2 bags on the board. 1+1=2 points So after that round it would Team #1 leading 3-0 (5-2+3 points). The next round, Team #1 would go first because they were the last team to score.
5. Bags pushed in by an opponent’s toss count as normal scoring.
6. If the bag is on the board it counts. The bag can be rolled on, bounced on, or thrown directly onto the board. Lift the board for questionable calls.
Standings & Awards
Final regular-season league standings determine playoff seeds and are based on: a. Points earned
Playoffs: Playoffs will begin the week following the last regular-season games. Players must have played in at least three regular –season matches to be eligible for playoffs. The higher regular-season seed will start each match-up.
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